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How To Get Organic Traffic To Your Shopify Store (Using A Blog)

A successful online store is one of the best ways to make money in today’s digital age. 

If your Shopify store isn’t attracting organic traffic, it can be hard to draw in new customers and make a profit. 

Fortunately, there is a way for you to use blogging as an effective tool for driving organic traffic to your Shopify store. 

In this article, we will discuss how you can get more organic visitors by utilizing blog content on your website. 

We will cover topics such as why a blog matters and how to optimize your posts for SEO purposes.

Related: How to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store (Free Ways)

What is organic traffic? 

There are two types of traffic; paid and organic traffic.

Organic traffic can be defined as the number of people who visit your store without being referred from a paid source, such as a social media platform or search engine. 

So, if you are paying for ads to get people to your store, that’s not organic; it is paid traffic.

But if someone finds your store, say, on Facebook Page, clicks the link, and lands on your store, that’s organic.

It’s typically generated by users searching for specific items or services you offer. 

Organic traffic is often considered the most valuable type of website traffic.


Because it comes from an interested audience and could potentially convert into paying customers.

You didn’t pay anything to get them to your shop; you were just in the right place at the right time!

In fact, organic traffic can be summarized as; being in the right place at the right time?.

And unlike paid ads, organic traffic requires no upfront cost and can provide long-term results if done correctly. 

To get more organic traffic to your Shopify store, consider creating content on a blog that appeals to your target audience and helps them find what they are looking for. 

And that’s what we will explore in this guide, so keep reading!

Benefits of organic traffic for online stores 

Again, organic traffic can come from searches, referrals, and social media. 

It is free and provides a steady stream of customers interested in your products or services. 

Unlike paid traffic, OT has many advantages that make it an effective marketing tool. 

First of all, organic search results tend to rank higher than paid advertisements in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

This means that customers are more likely to find your website when they do a keyword query related to what you offer. 

For paid rankings, you go higher to where your pockets can take you?.

At the same time, organic traffic has a longer life span as compared with paid advertisements which may expire after the allotted period. 

Above all?

You get repeat customers ranking organically because people who find you organically may be more likely to return for more information or purchase later down the road. 

They are further in the sales funnel and have self-convinced to make a buying decision. 

All you have to do is give them a nudge using content and show them why your products/services are the best solutions.

What is a blog?

A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual or a business, that contains written content known as blog posts. 

They often focus on a particular topic and provide readers with related information. 

And thanks to its effectiveness, blogging has become increasingly popular over the years.

It can reach large audiences and its ability to engage readers. 

Something else; a blog can be a standalone website or attached to a main site.

For your case now, your main site is a Shopify store. 

You can add a blog section to this store and start blogging (creating and publishing content on this blog).

This has a ton of perks.

It can be highly beneficial in driving organic traffic and increasing sales. 

Helps increase brand visibility and create relationships with customers.

Not to mention, building credibility for your store in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

All you need is the right content strategy (we will learn how to get one), and you can attract more targeted visitors who will likely make purchases from your store. 

How to add a blog to your Shopify store

Before you can drive organic traffic to your Shopify store, you need to have a blog section.

To add a blog to your Shopify store, you can follow these steps:

Log in to your Shopify admin panel.

Go to the “Online Store” section and click on “Blog Posts.”

Organic Traffic To Your Shopify Store

Click on the “Create a blog post” button.

How to add a blog to your Shopify store

In the “Title” field, enter a title for your blog (e.g., “7 Best Products For Cows and Sheep”).

In the “Content” field, you can add text, images, and other media to your blog post.

Click on the “Save” button to publish your blog post.

Set visibility to “Visible” and add a “Featured image.”

To create additional blog posts, repeat steps 3-6.

To create a blog page, go to the “Online Store” section and click on “Navigation.”

How to add a blog to your Shopify store

Click on the “Add menu item” button and enter the name of your blog page(e.g “Blog”)

Select the blogs page.

How to add a blog to your Shopify store

Click on the “Save” button to add the blog page to your store’s navigation menu.

How to add a blog to your Shopify store

Note: Shopify also has a blog app available on their app store that you can use to add a blog to your store.

How to add a blog to your Shopify store

Understanding Your Audience

The key to driving organic traffic to your Shopify store using a blog, is to identify who your target audience is. 

a. Identify your target audience 

Knowing who you are writing content for helps ensure that you are creating content they will be interested in and find valuable. 

Luckily, there are a few ways to get this done.

The first step is to look at your current customers; 

  • What do they have in common? 
  • Are there any patterns or trends among them? 
  • What age group do they fall into?
  • Where do they live? 

Understanding the demographic of your current customer base will give you insight into who might also be interested in what you’re selling on your Shopify store.

Another way to identify your target audience is by looking at the competition. 

  • Who are their customers? 
  • What type of people are they targeting with their messaging and content? 

b. Understand their pain points and interests 

ONCE you know who you are targeting with content, you need to know what they struggle with.


You see, the key to success lies in creating content that resonates with your target audience. 

So, get inside the head of your customers and think like them: 

  • what would they want to read? 
  • What questions do they have? 
  • What are their struggles when it comes to shopping online?

This research will help you create content that speaks directly to their needs and interests. 

Asking customers directly is another great way of gaining insight into their mindsets.

You can use surveys or polls on social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook or even ask them directly in person. 

This will help you understand how best you can serve your audience through compelling blog content tailored specifically for them. 

Creating Unique and Engaging Content

To this point, you know who your audience is and what they struggle with.

Now, sit down and craft a perfect content strategy to solve their issues using your content.

a. Brainstorm topics that are relevant to your target audience 

Yes, having a blog is a great way to get organic traffic to your Shopify store, but it can be difficult to come up with topics that will be relevant and interesting for your target audience. 

To help you brainstorm ideas, here are some tips:

First, consider your target audience’s problems or questions about their shopping journey. 

What kind of information do they need from you in order to make an informed decision? 

Are there any trending topics they would like to know more about? 

Once you have identified potential topics, start researching them further—what are the key points you should touch on, and what sources could provide additional context? 

Next, look at popular blogs related to your topic area or industry. 

After all, you are not operating in a vacuum, right?

So, take note of the types of articles they’re writing and if the content resonates with their readers. 

What makes their articles so engaging? 

What unique perspective do they bring to the table? 

Also, take note of what topics your competitors are focusing on. 

How are you different from them? 

Once you have a good idea of topics and sources, begin writing for your blog. 

b. Write content

Take one of the topics you identified earlier and generate a captivating title.

The next step is to create an outline.

This makes your easier later. 

A good outline should include an introduction, the body of the article, and a conclusion. 

Here is a simple template for a blog post:

Title: [insert title here]


  • Briefly introduce the topic of the blog post
  • Provide some background information on the subject
  • Give a preview of what the reader can expect to learn from the post


  • Divide the post into sections or subheadings
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists to make the post easy to read
  • Include images, videos, or other multimedia to break up text and add visual interest
  • Use examples and personal anecdotes to make the post more relatable
  • Provide sources and links for further reading


  • Summarize the main points of the post
  • Encourage the reader to leave a comment or share their thoughts on the topic
  • Include a call to action, such as signing up for a newsletter or visiting a website

Think of the outline as a skeleton of a new blog post you are about to write.

The next move is to give it some ‘meat.’

This is where research comes in handy.

It provides you with valuable information that can be used to create a unique blog post.  

To start, go through the top articles on Google around your chosen topic. Look at what they’ve written in common.

Also, not how you can improve it and then get cranking?!

c. Include visuals, infographics, and videos 

Captivating visuals can draw attention to your Shopify blog and help differentiate it from other online stores.

In addition to increasing visibility, visuals can increase customer engagement by providing a more interactive experience.

In fact, Social media posts with photos and other images are the most widely used content to increase engagement. (Hubspot, 2020)

When creating visuals for your Shopify store, use high-quality stock photos or create custom graphics that fit your brand. 

41.5% of marketers consider infographics the most important platform they use for media campaigns. (Venngage, 2020)

So, besides images accompanying the blog post, infographics are a great way to present data in a more engaging format that resonates with readers. 

One thing.

88% of Internet users spend more time on websites and web pages with video content. (SocialMediaToday, 2019)

So, add videos to demonstrate products in action or explain how they work in detail.

d. Use storytelling and make it scannable 

As they say, facts tell, stories sell!

Storytelling effectively grabs your readers’ attention and increases organic traffic to your Shopify store. 

By incorporating stories in your blog posts, you can connect with readers more personally, build trust, and encourage them to come back for more.

To help get started with this, use a simple template that outlines the story elements: the protagonist (hero), challenge or problem, action taken by the hero, and the result of that action. 

This structure ensures that all the essential elements are included in each post and will help you quickly create compelling stories for readers.

Once you’ve got the basics down, make sure to format your posts for scannability. 

This means breaking up large chunks of text into smaller paragraphs and using headings and subheadings when necessary.

Related: 9 Types of Content That Will Drive Traffic to Your Site

Optimizing Your Blog Posts for SEO

As we mentioned, search engines are one of the best organic traffic sources!

But if you want a shot at ranking higher, you MUST optimize your content for SEO.

a. Research and include relevant keywords 

What is an SEO keyword? 

A keyword or phrase is any term someone might type into a search engine when looking for something specific. 

For example, ‘best products for cows’ is a keyword a farmer would type into a search engine when looking for information.

Now, optimizing your content for SEO means including the keyword in various elements of the post, such as the title, headings, body text, and meta tags, to increase the post’s visibility and ranking in search engine results for that keyword. 

This should happen naturally as you write the post. But it can also be done once you are done wring.

Keywords are not the same.

Some will drive more traffic (because they are searched a lot), while others won’t (they are searched less).

And as you can guess, more people would rather target these keywords with higher traffic potential than the low ones for an obvious reason.

That’s where the ‘keyword competition’ comes in.

The more people try to rank for a certain keyword, the more competition.

And since there are only 10 slots on the first page of a search engine like Google, it becomes a race to page #1!

The rule of thumb is to identify a keyword that is with low competition and a sizable search volume.

It means, more people are searching for this keyword but fewer websites are ranking for it.

How to find the best keywords to rank for

To identify such keywords, use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest.

Go to Ubersuggest and click on ‘Keyword Ideas’

How to find the best keywords to rank for

Type in the ‘seed’ keyword (can be the general topic you intend to write about).

Choose the language and your location and then hit search.

You will get a ton of keywords.

How to find the best keywords to rank for

But not all of them are the ‘best.’

To get ‘low competition-high traffic’ keywords, sort the keywords by SEO difficulty.

And give it 0-35 (easy).

How to find the best keywords to rank for

Ubersuggest will show you keywords with fewer websites ranking for it.

How to find the best keywords to rank for

Go through the list and pick the ones related to your topic.

For instance, ‘best grain for dairy cows’ seems the best to write a blog post around if your store is about livestock products.

b. Write SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions 

Write SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions 

Doing this can make content easier for search engines like Google to find and rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Creating an effective title for your blog post should be concise yet descriptive enough to give readers an indication of what the post is about. 

It should also include relevant keywords related to the topic at hand, as this will help increase its visibility on SERPs. 

Meta descriptions are brief summaries that appear below a page’s title in SERPs. 

They provide additional context on what people can expect when they click through – so make sure they’re accurate and enticing! 

c. Utilize internal linking 

Adding internal links to your Shopify store can be a great way to boost organic traffic. 

They are any type of link that points to another page within your site, as opposed to an external page (such as another website). 

For example, from your blog post about ‘best products for cows,’ you can link to the product pages within your store.

This helps visitors find related content and also helps search engine crawlers better understand the structure and organization of your website. 

You can add internal links in various places throughout your blog posts, such as when you mention a product or service being offered on your Shopify store. 

Instead of just mentioning it by name, you can create a link using the title or URL of the product’s page on your website. 

Additionally, you could create separate blog posts with cluster keywords relevant to certain products and services offered on Shopify. 

Then, link these pages together to keep visitors engaged in exploring other related pieces of content on the site. 

And also use external linking to help boost your Shopify store’s rankings and visibility. 

Unlike internal links, external links are any type of link that points to another website instead of a page within your own site. 

These types of links can be beneficial for SEO as they show search engines the relevance and authority behind certain pieces of content on your shop.

At the same time, helping visitors find additional information related to what they’re looking at in one place without having to leave the main site or click away from it completely. 

You should make sure that you only use external linking when relevant.

For example, if there is an article discussing something very similar (but not exact) to what is being discussed on-site or referencing data from outside sources that supports findings made by their internal research team etc.

If you mentioned research in your article, you can link to the source.

Promoting Your Blog Posts

Besides SEO, there are other ways to get organic traffic to your Shopify store.

a. Share blog posts on social media 

As of October 2022, there are 4.74 billion social media users worldwide. Around the world, there are 5.07 billion internet users, equating to almost 63.5% of the world’s population.

This strategy can potentially drive a great deal of web traffic and increase brand awareness. 

While at it, craft a compelling message that will grab readers’ attention and entice them to click through and read more. 

Ensure you include a link to your Shopify store in your posts so users can easily find their way there once they’re done reading. 

Ensure that all images used are high quality and properly optimized for each platform – this will help draw users in and make them more likely to click through. 

Finally, don’t forget the power of hashtags!

Research relevant trending topics related to your post content, then use them liberally within your post copy or as comments under the post itself. 

b. Leverage email marketing and newsletters 

Email marketing CAN be a great tool to grow your organic traffic. 

You can use newsletters to highlight new products and services, offer exclusive discounts, and announce upcoming sales. 

Keep customers informed of any changes or updates in your store while providing helpful tips and advice related to your selling products. 

When creating a newsletter, include images that draw attention and link back to product pages on your Shopify store. 

This will encourage readers who are interested in what they see in the newsletter to click through and explore further on your website. 

Personalizing all emails with the recipient’s name is another great way of engaging them with content tailored specifically for them. 

c. Re-share content on different platforms 

This is called cross-promotion and can be an effective strategy to get organic traffic to your Shopify store.

In order to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts, think strategically about where and how you’re sharing. 

For example, if you have an Instagram account that regularly posts relevant content related to your store, use this as an opportunity to share blog posts from your website. 

You can also post these blog articles on other social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter. 

Additionally, consider joining blogging communities and forums to expand the reach of your content further. 

This will help ensure that more people become aware of the valuable information in your blog posts and make them more likely to visit your store in search of what they need. 

Also, turn your blog posts into YouTube videos. 

And generate organic traffic from YouTube, the second-largest search engine! 

d. Get into guest blogging

Guest blogging is when you post on a blog related to yours. 

Here, you are taking advantage of the reach of another blog to tap into a larger audience that may have never discovered your store otherwise. 

According to OptinMonster, 60% of companies write one to five guest posts per month.

Besides traffic, guest posting also helps boost your domain authority, thus affecting your rankings on the SERP.

As you strategize this, ensure you share content on relevant blogs with audiences interested in your store’s offerings. 

Get this wrong and you not only waste time and energy but risk getting on the wrong side of Google.

Analyzing Your Results

getting organic traffic to your Shopify store using a blog

Now, you’ve created a blog post, optimized it around a low-competition keyword, and shared it on other platforms.

It is time to check if your blogging efforts bring organic traffic to your Shopify store.

a. Analyze website analytics to measure success 

This allows you to identify what content resonates with customers and which areas of their site are performing well or need improvement. 

With website analytics, Shopify store owners can track metrics such as page views, visitor sources, conversion rate, bounce rate and more. 

This information can be used to develop an effective content strategy for the blog section to bring consistent organic traffic over time. 

Digging into your blog analytics can help Shopify store owners understand how people engage with the blog section, what content resonates most with their target audience, and where they should focus their efforts when creating new content. 

And this is not a one-time thing.

You have a better chance of ranking your stores consistently by regularly reviewing website analytics data and incorporating it into blog post strategies accordingly.

Related: Top 10 Website Analytics Tools [FREE AND PAID]

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, organic traffic has many benefits and can greatly increase the success of your Shopify store. 

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can start getting more organic traffic to your Shopify store quickly and effectively. 

These steps include regularly creating quality content, optimizing your blog posts for SEO, engaging with other bloggers and influencers in your niche, and tracking results with analytics tools.

To implement these strategies, create a content plan outlining topics you’ll cover in each post. 

Once you have a plan set up, start researching keywords related to those topics so you can optimize them for higher search rankings. 

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