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The Best Free Website Builder In India

Budgets can be tight at times, besides before designing a website it’s always good to do good research. We will talk about the free website builder in India.

Website builders have come to ease the process of website creation with their simple tools and themed templates.

But let’s get the basics first:

Is a website builder worth it?

Yes, considering they save a lot on time, cost, and design. Besides, you need no coding or designing skills to create a website.

They have eased the process of website creation and changed the time scheduling of creation and management of a website.

Pros and Cons of website builders:


  • Easy to use- with simple tools like drag and drop or AI writers website creation is simplified.
  • Don’t require skills like coding or design- there are pre-designed themes and templates to allow one to create the best website.
  • Budget-friendly- the creation of a website is free.
  • Templates- there are many pre-designed templates to use.


  • Limited pages or functions- some website builders have a limitation on how many pages you can use and some functionalities can not be added.
  • Limits web developers- developers find it hard to use their skills to manipulate the site to their preferred design.

Features to look for in a free website builder:

  • Ease of use- is it beginner-friendly? Does it allow anyone to navigate through it as well as edit different elements?
  • Responsive options- is your site viewable on any device? 
  • Security- how safe is your data?
  • Affordability- does it fall under budget? Does what you pay bring you the best features?
  • Support- how fast are the responses from customer support?
  • Design and customization- are there enough templates? Are the templates easy to edit?

Examples of free website builders:

The list is long, however, today we will focus on a phenomenal free website builder in India. One that has a lot to offer. Let’s get to know more.

OLITT is a phenomenal website builder, it allows one to create a website simply without having to code. Besides, in less than 10 minutes you have already created your website.

OLITT website builder homepage

OLITT as a free website builder has this to offer:

  • User-friendly- anyone can use it for it’s well navigated and all elements are placed in the right places.
  • Free landing pages- free customizable templates are available to edit and create your best website.
  • Security- provides free SSL certificates to make sure your site is safe and free from attacks.
  • Drag and drop editor- move elements around as you edit your website.
  • Pre-built integrations- there are payment gateways and custom code to get your site up and running fast.
  • Freed hosting and free subdomain- get online fast without worrying and paying for hosting or domain; you can connect your custom domain freely.


It has two options:

Olitt pricing

Let’s learn how to use OLITT as a free website builder in India. (Tutorial)

  1. Visit the website homepage.
  2. On the homepage, click create your free website.

It takes you to category picking, for this tutorial we will be using the Travel category.

Olitt website builder template categories.
  1. Your website is almost ready you need to sign up; create a new account or use Google or Apple to register your new account. 
Olitt signup process
  1. This directly takes you to your website
Olitt website builder

This means your site is already up. You only need to edit as you create content. Let’s see the basic editing tools that we will use.

Editing tools:

OLITT editing tools

1.Undo- removes a recently done action.

2. Redo- returns a recently removed action.

3. Mobile view- shows you how your website will look on a mobile device.

4.  Tablet view- shows you how your website will look on a tablet.

5. Desktop view- get to see how your website will look on a computer screen.

6. Full Screen-work on your website from a full screen.

7. Preview- shows how your site looks

8. Auto save- automatically saves changes that you have done before you publish.

9. Home- it takes you back to the websites’ homepage.

10. View components- this allows one to view the different components present in the website.

11. Delete- allows one to remove certain elements.

12. Visit- this shows one how the site will look.

13. Toggle newsletter- this arranges the HOME, SERVICES, ABOUT and CONTACT US to the beginning or down at the end.

14. Unpublish- this is makes published content unavailable. It also allows one to publish it.

15. Style manager- gives one a wide range of edits one can use to customize a certain element.

16. Settings- opens up an array of tools one can use to customize an element.

17. Layer manager- this also provides tools to edit further an element.

18. Open blocks- it opens up more editing blocks one can use to add, edit or remove some tools.

Text Editing tools

OLITT website builder tools.

1. Bold- enhances the text making it more visible.

2. Italics- it slants text to make it more appealing.

3. Strikethrough- strikes out the selected words.

4.Remove format- these removes the applied format on text.

5. Decrease Indent- it decreases the space between the left and right margins of a paragraph.

6. Increase Indent- it increases the space between the left and right margins of a paragraph.

7. Style- this changes how the text appears either large, small or many other formats.

8. About CKEditor 4- displays more information about the editor.

9. Anchor- this tool allows one to align a text which is auto-wrapped or pre-formatted.

10. Unlink- used to remove a linked web address.

11. Link- it helps one add web addresses to the text.

12. Check spelling- it helps one check on mistakes one make during typing.

13. Redo- returns a recently removed action.

14. Undo- removes a recently done action.

15. Paste from word- this tool allows one to paste content from one place.

16. Paste as plain text- allows one to paste content and merge the formatting of the page.

17. Insert special character- allows one to add special characters.

18. Image- this allows one to enter text instead of an image.

19. Cut- helps one move content.

20. Copy- helps one copy text easily.

21. Paste- it allows one to easily post content from another source.

22. Element selector- this allows one to select elements fast and easily.

23. Element mover-allows one to move different elements from one place to another.

24. Duplicate- allows one to create another version of the text.

25. Delete- allows one to remove certain elements and text.

Editing the title

Choose a catchy phrase to make your title.

Title editing in OLITT
  1. Adding a photo

Just click the open blocks button and select the image, upload one from your computer and it automatically updates.

  1. Add the services you provide

Mention the trucks and their availability. Add other services you provide also.

Adding services.


OLITT offers free hosting and a free subdomain that is your site is up and running fast. However, if you are not comfortable with the subdomain provided, you can change it easily.

Go to your website homepage- from there select connect domain.

There are two ways:

  1. Purchasing a domain

Enter your domain name then hit search. The results provided will show you if it’s registered or not.

Choose the domain with the extensions you want and click purchase.

Registering a domain

You will be directed to an invoice payment subscription where you will choose your suitable payment way to pay. 

  1. Connecting an existing domain.

It’s a simple four-step procedure and you are done.

Connecting a domain on Olitt

OLITT as a free website builder in India has a lot to offer; for anyone struggling and stuck on how to build a website that is mobile-friendly, pocket-friendly, and one that stands out, OLITT is the best.

In conclusion,

So far OLITT is my favorite s site builder. They have a vast range of themed templates to choose from. Not forgetting their offer of free hosting, free SSL, and also a free subdomain, so getting your site up is very easy.

Make sure to check out the list of eCommerce site builder in India. Best of luck!

Author: Markide

I’m a seasoned freelance technology writer with over three years of experience. My passion is the information technology and the internet working. I have many specialties, from web hosting and web design to marketing. Also, I have learned about graphics and social media management.

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